Apostle Paul reveals that principalities and powers are learning about the manifold wisdom of God from the church. Apostle Peter reveals that the holy angels of God are steadfastly looking into the gospel of Christ. Christ and His church are mysteries being unveiled to the two opposing angelic forces in the spiritual realm.
Ignorance about who you are is to the advantage of the enemy; the believer, thus, must know more about Christ and Himself. This book expounds on the finished works of Christ and the reality of the church’s new life in Christ. The devil is defeated but there are
two ways he exploits to continue exerting power on mankind: When a man refuses to accept Christ, and when a Christian continues to remain ignorant of who Christ has made him to be.
In this book, Pastor Elvis Agyemang brings to the lay man’s understanding of how a believer can establish the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. He says in the book, “Governance is on the shoulders of Christ and the church is His body. You are Christ’s governing medium. His governance is designed to work through His church on earth. It is His will to involve believers in anything He does on earth.
Every day, He chooses a ready person from the church to accomplish a specific purpose on earth.” This book can help you preposition yourself for generational impact and significance through Christ Jesus. God can use you and will use you, but you need to assimilate these revelations and walk in accordance to be formed into a vessel of honour meet for the masters’ use.